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In brief, they encountered was Susurrus standing on the side of the road next to a canopy with a spread of food. He greeted the party members by name and informed them he was there to negotiate reparations for a loss that had happened because of the actions of the party on a previous adventure. He asked them to remain calm and not cause his companions in hiding concern.
General information for Susurrus can be read on this previous article (link).
Sussurus, human 10thlevel bard (DnD 3.5—using only the Player's Handbook and Dungeon Master's Guide)
Str 10, Dex 12, Con 12, Int 16, Wis 14, Chr 18/20 (cloak of charisma)
Alignment: Neutral
HP 51
Initiative: +1
AC 14 (Bracers of armor +2, ring of protection +1, dex +1)
Attack base +7/+2
Melee Attack +9/+4 dagger +2 (1d4+2/19x2)
Ranged Attack +10 masterwork light crossbow(d8/19x2)
Fort +4, Reflex +8, Will +9
Feats (5): Craft wand, Craft wondrous item, Negotiator, Persuasive, Skill focus (diplomacy)
Class Abilities: Bardic knowledge, Bardic Music, Countersong, Fascinate, Inspire confidence, Inspire Courage +2, Inspire greatness, Suggestion
Skills (130): Balance +8 (5), Bluff +20 (13), Concentration +6 (5), Diplomacy +29 (13), Disguise +12 (5), Gather information +15 (10), Jump +7 (5), Knowledge arcana +8 (5), Knowledge geography +11 (8), Knowledge history +8 (5), Knowledge nobility/royalty +12 (9), Knowledge religion +4 (1), Perform +18 (13), Sense motive +17 (13), Speak Languages (4), Spellcraft +8 (not counting synergies) (5), Tumble +4 (1), Use magic device +10 (+12 with scrolls) (5)
Languages: Common, Draconic, Dw arven, Elven, Giant, Gnome, Halfling, Orc
Magic: Ring +1, bracers of armor +2, dagger +2, Cloak of charisma +2, Wands—Cure light wounds, detect thoughts, gaseous form, invisibility
Disposable potions and scrolls: as determined needed by the dungeon master.
NOTE: Susurrus is a rich person. He has other items available to him through his patronage. There are times when additional items are given or lent to him.
Spells per day: 3-0 level, 5-1st, 4-2nd, 3-3rd, 1-4th
Spells known:
0 level (6)—Detect Magic, Light, Message, Read Magic
1stlevel (4)—Comprehend Languages, Disguise Self, Expeditious Retreat, Identify
2ndlevel (4)—Detect Thoughts, Eagle's Splendor, Tongues, Whispering Wind
3rdlevel (4)—Clairaudience/clairvoyance, Dispel Magic, Gaseous Form, Summon Monster III
4thlevel (2)—Legend lore, Zone of Silence
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